Clearing is a means of inter-bank slips calculations performed by the clearing bank to expand and expedite traffic demand deposits payments. The process of calculating the rights and obligations between banks are carried out by Indonesian banks or banks designated to a specific region. Meanwhile, interbank clearing is the exchange of script (check, giro, credit notes, debit) inter-bank results of the calculation completed at any given time. Clearing Bank Indonesia is governed by both the time and place of execution. While Clearing participants are commercial banks in clearing areas (ex. Wil. Clearing Banjarmasin).
Since 29 July 2005, Bank Indonesia as the central banks in national clearing system indonesiamengimplementasikan (SKN) as a system that is used as a national clearing. This system will replace the clearing system such as: Centralized Electronic Clearing System (SSKE), the local clearing system automation, semi-automated clearing system of local and local clearing. So that eventually the entire clearing areas will only have one uniform system of national clearing system (SKN) kliringsebelumnya System (SSKE, SOKL, SSOKL, Clearing Manual) where debit and credit clearing Conducted simultaneously in paperbased.
In SKN, division based on the type of clearing Nominal (small nominal and nominalbesar) dispensed. Clearing on SKN Ddibedakan based on the type of transaction, namely:
1. Credit Clearing (CN), which are paperless (no physical paper slips). Credit Clearing House has 2 cycles per day
2. Clearing the debit is paperbase (physical paper slips), effectively clearing balances 1 (one) working day and 2 (two) working days (Jakarta and Surabaya). And to have a debit clearing cycles per day.
EXIT CN (CN outward) SKN outward CN or sending out is a process of inter-bank money transfer (either for their own interests or the interests of the customer) held by Indonesian banks, which are paperless and covers the national territory. BI-RTGS system is intended for remittance to the nominal ≥ Rp . 100,000,000.00 or more, while remittances to national clearing systems intended for par.
Types of Clearing
1. Manual Clearing
Namely the calculation of debts between banks by a local clearing participants submit another letter to expand the traffic clearing payments in demand deposits (noncash).
2. Electronic Clearing
Namely local clearing in the calculation and making bilyet clearing balances based on electronic data are accompanied by delivery slips to the bank clearing to clearing participants (Bank Indonesia) to be forwarded to the recipient bank.
Clearing Calculation Results.
3. Losing Clearing: If the incoming transfers and bill checks / bg another bank or debit notes come out smaller than the outgoing transfer and bill checks / bg own bank or debit note entry (bank assets grew concerned).
4. Win Clearing: If the incoming transfers and bill checks / bg another bank or debit notes come out higher than outgoing transfers and bill the check /BG bank's own.
Since 29 July 2005, Bank Indonesia as the central banks in national clearing system indonesiamengimplementasikan (SKN) as a system that is used as a national clearing. This system will replace the clearing system such as: Centralized Electronic Clearing System (SSKE), the local clearing system automation, semi-automated clearing system of local and local clearing. So that eventually the entire clearing areas will only have one uniform system of national clearing system (SKN) kliringsebelumnya System (SSKE, SOKL, SSOKL, Clearing Manual) where debit and credit clearing Conducted simultaneously in paperbased.
In SKN, division based on the type of clearing Nominal (small nominal and nominalbesar) dispensed. Clearing on SKN Ddibedakan based on the type of transaction, namely:
1. Credit Clearing (CN), which are paperless (no physical paper slips). Credit Clearing House has 2 cycles per day
2. Clearing the debit is paperbase (physical paper slips), effectively clearing balances 1 (one) working day and 2 (two) working days (Jakarta and Surabaya). And to have a debit clearing cycles per day.
EXIT CN (CN outward) SKN outward CN or sending out is a process of inter-bank money transfer (either for their own interests or the interests of the customer) held by Indonesian banks, which are paperless and covers the national territory. BI-RTGS system is intended for remittance to the nominal ≥ Rp . 100,000,000.00 or more, while remittances to national clearing systems intended for par.
Types of Clearing
1. Manual Clearing
Namely the calculation of debts between banks by a local clearing participants submit another letter to expand the traffic clearing payments in demand deposits (noncash).
2. Electronic Clearing
Namely local clearing in the calculation and making bilyet clearing balances based on electronic data are accompanied by delivery slips to the bank clearing to clearing participants (Bank Indonesia) to be forwarded to the recipient bank.
Clearing Calculation Results.
3. Losing Clearing: If the incoming transfers and bill checks / bg another bank or debit notes come out smaller than the outgoing transfer and bill checks / bg own bank or debit note entry (bank assets grew concerned).
4. Win Clearing: If the incoming transfers and bill checks / bg another bank or debit notes come out higher than outgoing transfers and bill the check /BG bank's own.
Kliring adalah sarana perhitungan warkat antar bank yang dilaksanakan oleh bank penyelenggara kliring guna memperluas dan memperlancar lalu lintas pembayaran giral. Proses perhitungan hak dan kewajiban antar bank yang dilaksanakan oleh bank indonesia atau bank yang ditunjuk pada wilayah tertentu. Sedangkan Kliring antarbank adalah pertukaran warkat ( cek, bilyet giro, nota kredit, nota debit) antar bank yang hasil perhitungannya diselesaikan pada waktu tertentu. Kliring diatur oleh Bank Indonesia baik waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan. Sedangkan peserta Kliring adalah bank umum dalam wilayah kliring (ex. Wil. kliring Banjarmasin).
Sejak tanggal 29 juli 2005, Bank Indonesia sebagai bank sentral di indonesiamengimplementasikan sistem kliring nasional (SKN) sebagai sistem yang digunakan sebagai penyelenggaraan kliring secara nasional. Sistem ini akan menggantikan sistem kliring seperti : Sistem Sentralisasi Kliring Elektronik (SSKE), sistem otomasi kliring lokal, sistem semi otomasi kliring lokal dan kliring lokal. Sehingga pada akhirnya seluruh wilayah kliring hanya akan terdapat satu sistem yang seragam yaitu sistem kliring nasional (SKN) Sistem kliringsebelumnya ( SSKE, SOKL, SSOKL, Kliring Manual) dimana kliring debet dan kredit Dilaksanakan bersamaan secara paperbased.
Pada SKN, pembagian jenis kliring berdasarkan Nominal ( nominal kecil dan nominalbesar ) ditiadakan. Penyelenggaraan kliring pada SKN Ddibedakan berdasarkan jenis transaksinya, yaitu :
1. Kliring kredit (CN) yang bersifat paperless (tanpa fisik kertas warkat). Kliring kredit mempunyai 2 siklus per hari
2. Kliring debet yang bersifat paperbase (fisik kertas warkat), efektif saldo kliring 1 (satu) hari kerja dan 2 (dua) hari kerja (jakarta dan surabaya). Dan untuk kliring debet mempunyai 1 siklus per hari.
SKN outward CN atau pengiriman CN keluar adalah suatu proses pengiriman uang antar bank (baik untuk kepentingan sendiri atau kepentingan nasabah) yang diselenggarakan oleh bank indonesia, yang bersifat paperless dan mencakup wilayah nasional. Sistem BI-RTGS diperuntukan bagi pengiriman uang dengan nominal ≥ Rp.. 100.000.000,00 atau lebih, sedangkan pengiriman uang dengan sistem kliring nasional diperuntukan bagi nominal.
Jenis Kliring
1. Kliring Manual
Yaitu perhitungan utang piutang di antara bank peserta kliring lokal dengan cara saling menyerahkan warkat kliring untuk memperluas lalu lintas pembayaran secara giral (noncash).
2. Kliring Elektronik
Yaitu kliring lokal yang dalam perhitungan dan pembuatan bilyet saldo kliring berdasarkan data elektronik yang disertai dengan penyerahan warkat bank peserta kliring kepada penyelenggara kliring (Bank Indonesia) untuk diteruskan kepada bank penerima.
Hasil Perhitungan Kliring
1. Kalah Kliring : Jika transfer masuk dan tagihan cek/bg bank lain atau nota debet keluar lebih kecil dari transfer keluar dan tagihan cek/bg bank sendiri atau nota debet masuk (aset bank ybs bertambah)
2. Menang Kliring: Jika transfer masuk dan tagihan cek/bg bank lain atau nota debet keluar lebih besar dari transfer keluar dan tagihan cek/bg bank itu sendiri .